No Rules, Obsession or Guilt. The Gift of Food Peace.

I help folks make peace with food so naturally I talk about it a lot.

While you may have a sense of what I’m referring to, I thought it would be helpful to give some examples of what food peace looks like.

You know you’ve made peace with food when...

  • You stop judging your day and yourself as good or bad based on what you ate.

  • You no longer feel anxious, bad or guilty about your food choices and eating behaviors.

  • You don’t feel preoccupied with food and obsess over every morsel you put in your mouth.

  • You stop adhering to food rules and letting diet culture dictate your eating.

  • You eat whatever sounds satisfying, tastes satisfying and feels satisfying in your body.

  • You no longer think you have to make up for your eating by exercising more, eating less at your next meal, or going on a cleanse or diet.

  • You trust yourself to keep previously off-limits foods in your house because you’re no longer afraid you’ll lose control with them.

  • You no longer feel your eating requires self-control and willpower.

  • You're excited to attend social events again because you’re no longer worried you’ll blow your diet.

  • You order what you truly want at restaurants rather than basing your decision on what you think you should eat or what your companions are eating.

  • You stop believing you have to earn the right to eat something by exercising, skipping meals or being “good” all day.

  • You no longer eat in secret because you’re not ashamed anymore of your desires. 

  • You have much more time, energy and headspace for more fulfilling, meaningful and fun things.

  • You just eat and move on.

I could list more examples, but I think you get the idea. 

I encourage you to reflect on what food peace would look like for you. How would it change your life?

It's Worth It, You’re Worth It
Of course, making peace with food doesn’t require perfection nor does it happen overnight. 

For most of us, including myself, the road to food peace is long, winding and rocky.

However, no matter how bumpy, scary and challenging your journey may be, the freedom, ease and peace you’ll discover along the way are so very worth it. You're worth it.

I Inhaled the Snack Mix. My Eating Felt Out of Control.

A few days ago, I arrived home early in the evening feeling absolutely ravenous. 

Due to an unexpected delay that afternoon, I wasn't able to eat lunch and my body was screaming for food.

I spotted a container of snack mix my mom and I had recently made on the kitchen counter and thought I’d eat a few handfuls to tide me over until dinner was ready.

Well, one handful quickly turned into multiple handfuls. 

I could not stop eating it. 

In fact, I was shoveling it into my mouth.

My eating felt frenzied, primal, animalistic. 

It felt out of control in a way it hadn’t in a very long time.

Unable to focus on preparing dinner or anything else, like unpacking my bags or changing into my comfy clothes, I hovered over the container as if I was tethered to it and ate as if I would never have access to food again.

Out of Control
In my dieting days, episodes like this happened frequently and I’d chastise myself for being out of control with my eating

My diet mentality would have convinced me that I lacked willpower and discipline, that I couldn’t be trusted to have snack mix in the house, that I should just throw the rest away and never make it again.

My internal Food Police would have berated me, telling me how bad I was for eating so much snack mix and that I needed to make up for it by skipping dinner and working out longer the next morning.

Thankfully, this isn’t what happened.

In Survival Mode
I compassionately understood in that moment that I was inhaling the snack mix because my body was trying to get its nourishment needs met.

My ravenous hunger had put me in survival mode. 

In an attempt to keep me alive, my very wise brain was telling me I needed to eat as much as possible as fast as possible. 

Although it felt like it, I wasn’t acting out of control. I was experiencing a natural human response to extreme hunger.

Since I stopped intentionally restricting my food years ago, I rarely get to the point of ravenous hunger these days thus rarely find myself in situations like these. 

Usually, I plan ahead to ensure my body is fully nourished on a regular basis. But sometimes life gets in the way and I’m unable to eat when I need to.

Although it would’ve been more enjoyable to savor the snack mix at a leisurely pace, I’m grateful it was there to quickly satisfy my body’s needs. 

I'm also grateful I was able to just eat it and move on without feeling any guilt, shame, remorse or other unhelpful thoughts and feelings. To me, this is true food freedom.

Does Your Eating Feel Off-Kilter?

On the day the coronavirus shelter-in-place mandate was announced for San Francisco, I couldn’t remember eating my lunch.

I looked down at my plate and saw crumbs but no food.

The evidence was clear: I had finished my meal. Yet, I was so anxious and distracted, I didn’t recall eating it.

Over the past few days, I’ve also noticed myself eating faster than usual and stockpiling my favorite bread (my ultimate comfort food).

And, I’ve been frequently craving chocolate-chunk ice cream, chocolate donuts and chocolate-chip cookies—all foods that remind me of the ease and simplicity of my childhood.

Has your eating been feeling off-kilter lately, too?

Perhaps it feels scattered, mindless, chaotic or urgent.

Maybe you’re reaching for foods you typically don’t go for. Or eating at odd times for you or eating more than you usually do.

Whether driven by fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness or boredom, your emotional eating may feel like it’s in overdrive right now.

If this is your experience, please know IT’S COMPLETELY OKAY.

There is nothing wrong with you or with your eating.

A Wise Coping Strategy
There are always very valid reasons why we do what we do when it comes to food.

Using food to navigate difficult emotions is completely understandable and a much-needed coping mechanism during times of distress.

Diet culture has conditioned us to view emotional eating as a bad thing, as a sign of weakness, a lack of willpower, something we must hide, fix or make up for.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

It’s actually a very wise strategy in that the act of eating can be very grounding, soothing and relaxing. It helps calm your nervous system.

It also provides refuge, a safe and secure place to go to when you’re feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to turn or what to do.

Self-Compassion is Key
Rather than feeling like your eating is out of control, beating yourself up for eating “badly” and nose-diving into a shame spiral, which is highly likely if you have a history of dieting and food restriction, I encourage you to practice self-compassion by reminding yourself that emotional eating is a form of self-care.

It’s an easy way to meet your needs, a way to soothe, comfort and take care of yourself when life is hard.

And, with all the uncertainty, disruption and loss right now, life is really, really hard.

So, please, take care of yourself however you can.

Pause and Check In
You might find it helpful to pause and check in with yourself throughout the day. Ask yourself: What am I feeling? What do I need?

Consider what would feel the most nourishing, comforting, calming and grounding.

Maybe it is eating a bowl of ice cream or bag of chips.

Maybe it’s baking cookies, walking in the park, escaping into a book, listening to the birds, cooking a pot of soup, napping in the sunshine, or finding a quiet spot to pray or meditate.

Maybe it’s a combination of things.

Whatever it is, trust it’s exactly what you need.

If you're struggling and would like support, please feel free to reach out. Thankfully, I'm still able to support my clients via video during this challenging time.