Diet Companies Will Never Tell You This...

We’re already halfway through February yet the New Year’s onslaught of diet ads continues.

If feels like no matter what I watch or listen to these days—and I consume a wide variety of content—I’m bombarded with messages from diet companies claiming to have finally found the solution for successful weight loss (and hence everlasting health and happiness, of course).

It’s Not a “Diet”
In an attempt to be more appealing and acceptable to today’s consumers, especially those who feel they have “failed” with traditional diets (or watched their parents do so), most diet companies are careful to claim their offerings aren’t diets but rather “wellness plans,” “lifestyle changes” or “psychology-based programs.”

Yet, they offer pretty much the same old stuff perhaps with a few new bells and whistles thrown in.

If a program tells you what, how much and/or when you’re allowed to eat, it’s a diet.

If it includes counting calories/points/macros, categorizing food, cutting out foods, logging exercise and tracking your weight, it's a diet.

I want to scream when the dieters/actors in these ads exclaim how easy it’s been to lose X pounds in just X weeks.

The truth is, you can lose weight on almost any diet, no matter what it’s called.

What the diet companies don’t tell you, however, is there is only about a five-percent chance you will maintain your weight loss.

They also don’t tell you it’s likely you’ll regain more weight than you lost as up to two-thirds of dieters typically do.*

So much for the “life-long” or “permanent” results they often promise to deliver!

One has to wonder how they even go about tracking their “lifetime” results.

Warning: Potential Side Effects
In addition to rebound weight gain, following are some of the other potential side effects of dieting you aren’t warned about:

  • Leads to harmful food rules, disordered eating and eating disorders

  • Increases food obsession and body preoccupation

  • Triggers intense cravings and binge-like eating

  • Reduces your ability to recognize and honor your hunger and fullness cues

  • Makes you scared to eat in situations where you won’t have complete control over the food

  • Causes you to miss out on shared eating experiences with family and friends

  • Drives you to sneak food and eat in secret

  • Makes you afraid to keep certain foods in your house out of a fear of losing control with them

  • Brings about mood swings and emotional eating

  • Provokes feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, fear and hopelessness

  • Erodes body trust, self-trust, self-esteem and confidence

  • Results in weight cycling (yo-yo dieting), which can lead to adverse health conditions

  • Slows your metabolism

  • Increases your hunger-signaling hormone while decreasing your fullness-signaling hormone

  • Raises your cortisol level because dieting is inherently stressful

  • Encourages a disordered relationship with exercise

  • Consumes most of your time, energy and headspace, while other parts of your life suffer, like your relationships, social life, career and hobbies

If you have a history of dieting, you’re likely quite familiar with many of these outcomes.

It’s also likely you’ve blamed yourself and your lack of willpower and self-discipline when a diet didn’t work.

Please understand this: You don’t fail a diet—a diet fails you!

Never Be Allowed
Imagine if diet companies, like drug manufacturers, had to include all of the potential side effects of dieting in their advertisements.

Here's what the originators of Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, have to say about the futility of dieting and the harm it can cause:

“If dieting programs had to stand up to the same scrutiny as medication, they would never be allowed for public consumption. Imagine, for example, taking an asthma medication, which improves your breathing for a few weeks, but in the long run, causes your lungs and breathing to worsen.”

Become Fully Informed
When you’re unhappy with your eating and your body, the success stories promoted in the diet ads can understandably tempt you to try one more diet.

I get it. I’ve been there myself.

The desire to diet and lose weight is completely understandable given our weight-stigmatizing, thin-idolizing culture, our tendency to conflate weight with health, and the illusion of control dieting provides in a world full of uncertainty.

While I am anti-diet, I completely believe in body autonomy including the right to diet.

I also believe people should be made aware of the physical and psychological harm dieting can cause so they can make a fully informed decision about what’s truly best for their overall wellbeing. It’s unethical to do otherwise.

If you’re considering participating in an intentional weight loss program, I encourage you to do your research.

Look for solid scientific data demonstrating a program leads to long-term, sustainable weight loss (i.e., multiple years versus a few months) for the majority of its participants—without causing any adverse side effects or requiring constant self-monitoring.

Don’t be surprised, however, if you discover it doesn’t exist! 

Dieting Won’t Bring You Peace and Wellbeing
If you want a healthy, peaceful relationship with food and your body, despite what the $72 billion diet industry wants you to believe, it can’t be achieved through dieting.

Rather than put all your energy toward depriving yourself for a short-term result with potentially harmful long-term consequences, what if you put it towards healing your relationship with food and your body
, reclaiming your ability to eat intuitively, and engaging in weight-neutral self-care so you can truly experience the peace, ease and wellbeing you’re longing for?

*For a deep dive into the research behind these stats, I recommend checking out Christy Harrison’s book Anti-Diet.

I Shouldn't Be Eating These Fries

Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?

  • These fries are so yummy but I should have ordered a side salad instead.

  • I need to eat good tomorrow to make up for all these cookies.

  • Once I’m done with this bag of chips, I’m not going to buy them again.

  • I can have pizza for dinner but need to get back on track this next week.

  • It’s okay if I have a slice of cake; it’s a special occasion after all.

These are all examples of mental restriction.

Although you may believe you aren’t restricting your eating, if you have thoughts like these, you are.

Even if you are allowing yourself to physically eat a food (e.g., I'm going to have a donut), if you’re denying yourself on a physiological level (e.g., I shouldn’t be eating this donut), you are restricting.

While a part of you is saying, “Yes, I'm going to eat this” another part of you is saying, “No, I shouldn’t” or “I won’t again.”

Mental restriction creates a threat of future deprivation that often leads to eating past comfortable fullness, sometimes in a way that feels out of control or binge-like.

This is not due to a lack of willpower or self-control. It’s a natural human response to potential food scarcity.

Unfortunately, this very normal and understandable response can make you feel bad, guilty and ashamed—and trigger a desire to diet as a way to gain control of your eating.

Dieting, with all its food rules, will only exacerbate your restrictive mindset (a.k.a. the diet mentality), ultimately creating a more fraught, roller-coaster relationship with food.

If you long for food peace, it’s essential to let go of all forms of restriction.

Intuitive Eating can help you identify and challenge your restrictive thoughts, which can be sublte and sneaky, so you can truly give yourself unconditional permission to eat in way that both tastes and feels satisfying. You deserve nothing but.

Of course, it’s important to note that some foods may need to be avoided due to certain medical conditions, such as a peanut allergy or celiac disease.

How Strong is Your Diet Mentality?

Did you know that the first principle of Intuitive Eating is “Reject the Diet Mentality”?

This step is critical because having a dieter’s mindset disconnects you from your body's wisdom, including your own internal cues that tell you what, when and how much to eat.

When you operate with a diet mentality, you eat according to external factors and rules (e.g., calories, points, macros, good/bad foods, fixed schedule, etc.) rather than honoring your body’s needs, desires and preferences.

Approaching food with a diet mentality can make eating a fraught, unsatisfying experience and lead to a disordered relationship with food.

Ultimately, having a diet mentality erodes your ability to trust yourself, your body and your instincts, and negatively impacts your physical and psychological wellbeing.

Diet vs. Non-Diet Mentality
Even if you aren’t on an official diet or have never dieted, you may still have a diet mentality due to our pervasive, insidious diet culture. It’s the voice in your head that sounds like this:

Diet Mentality

Non-Diet Mentality
In contrast, the non-diet mentality—that is, the Intuitive Eater voice—sounds like this:

  • Am I hungry?

  • I can have anything. What do I want?

  • What sounds yummy and nourishing?

  • Do I want this particular food?

  • Will I feel deprived if I don’t eat it?

  • Will this food satisfy and sustain me?

  • Is this tasty? Does it hit the spot?

  • I trust my body to tell me what it needs.

  • I honor my hunger and cravings.

  • I'm feeling full. I can have more later if I want.

  • I don't feel guilty, anxious or ashamed about my eating.

Where do you stand with the diet mentality?

This Feels Scary!
Rejecting the diet mentality can feel pretty scary, especially if you’ve been trapped in this mindset for a long time. You may fear that if you let it go, you’ll lose control, eat “badly,” never stop eating, and completely go to pot.

These fears are totally understandable.

In time, however, they will start to fade as you realize that it's the dieting mindset—the deprivation, restriction, micro-management, hyper-vigilance, moralism—that prevents you from having a peaceful, intuitive relationship with food and your body.

Your fears will further subside as you reconnect with your inner signals—your hunger, fullness, desires and satisfaction—and rediscover that your body is the only guide you need when it comes to nourishing yourself.